Sandra A. Birchfield

Dr. Birchfield holds a Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from East Tennessee State University. She taught kindergarten for eight years, worked with Upward Bound ten summers as both a Recreational Director and counselor.

Dr. Birchfield was Associate Director of Admissions for one year, Director for nine years and part time faculty at the University of Virginia’s College at Wise. She worked six years as an elementary school counselor, two years as a middle school assistant principal and nine years as an elementary school principal. She also worked as an adjunct professor for seven years at L.M.U. and three years as full time Assistant Professor. She has worked for eight years teaching online classes for the Center for Teaching Excellence at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise.

She has published “Who Are Those People Back There? Publisher Book Whip, The Li’l Giant Called Manners” Published by Marco Products, and “Goodness Gracious Grumbling is Contagious” published by Book Whip. Dr  Birchfield has published an article for “Principal’s Magazine and has written a chapter on “Adversity vs Diversity” Content and Perspective of a Prearranged World.  This was a departmental publication.