Lynda Bulla

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Lynda Bulla is the author of seven children’s books: “The Old Clock on the Wall”, “Katydid”, “The Churkendoose”, “Freedom Rings”, “The Little Drop of Water”, “Tony is a Hero” and “Under the Big Yellow Leaf”. Her desire for children to learn through story telling is driving her passion to write “Books with Character”. Story telling is a lost art that is missing from the fabric of many busy families today. In simpler times, children learned how to cope with life from the stories told at dinner tables and around the campfires. Now those hours are filled with TV and video games, without the interaction of children and adults exploring the unknown together. Lynda hopes that these books will be used as dialog starters to help children cope with the many problems that they encounter as they move through this world. Lynda resides in a small farming community in Fresno County. She lives with her husband on a ranch where the open fields have inspired many of the settings for her stories.