Carl H. Mitchell developed a penchant for writing at a young age. His first serious read, at about nine years of age, was Victor Hugo’s “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” Isaac Asimov’s “The End of Eternity” and Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea” completed the capture. Born in California, raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and in Lake Worth, Florida, he earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey. He worked at IBM for 35 years as an engineer, programmer, and manager. Carl lives with his wife, Maryann, in Hillsborough, New Jersey, with winters spent in Tarpon Springs, Florida. Along with downhill skiing, he counts among his hobbies the keeping of koi, of which he currently owns more than a hundred. Auditing a year’s worth of bills for fish food and pond maintenance has led to the more accurate conclusion that the koi own him. Carl has written several short stories. “Sundown: Engineering Gives the Devil a Sunburn,” published by Covenant Books, is his first novel, a near-future police procedural with thriller, mystery, espionage, and dystopian aspects. There are also Science Fiction touches. He writes to entertain and challenge his readers.
Carl H. Mitchell developed a penchant for writing at a young age. His first serious read, at about nine years of age, was Victor Hugo’s “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” Isaac Asimov’s “The End of Eternity” and Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea” completed the capture. Born in California, raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and in Lake Worth, Florida, he earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey. He worked at IBM for 35 years as an engineer, programmer, and manager. Carl lives with his wife, Maryann, in Hillsborough, New Jersey, with winters spent in Tarpon Springs, Florida. Along with downhill skiing, he counts among his hobbies the keeping of koi, of which he currently owns more than a hundred. Auditing a year’s worth of bills for fish food and pond maintenance has led to the more accurate conclusion that the koi own him. Carl has written several short stories. “Sundown: Engineering Gives the Devil a Sunburn,” published by Covenant Books, is his first novel, a near-future police procedural with thriller, mystery, espionage, and dystopian aspects. There are also Science Fiction touches. He writes to entertain and challenge his readers.
Carl H. Mitchell developed a penchant for writing at a young age. His first serious read, at about nine years of age, was Victor Hugo’s “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” Isaac Asimov’s “The End of Eternity” and Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea” completed the capture. Born in California, raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and in Lake Worth, Florida, he earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey. He worked at IBM for 35 years as an engineer, programmer, and manager. Carl lives with his wife, Maryann, in Hillsborough, New Jersey, with winters spent in Tarpon Springs, Florida. Along with downhill skiing, he counts among his hobbies the keeping of koi, of which he currently owns more than a hundred. Auditing a year’s worth of bills for fish food and pond maintenance has led to the more accurate conclusion that the koi own him. Carl has written several short stories. “Sundown: Engineering Gives the Devil a Sunburn,” published by Covenant Books, is his first novel, a near-future police procedural with thriller, mystery, espionage, and dystopian aspects. There are also Science Fiction touches. He writes to entertain and challenge his readers.
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