January 20 - February 2, 2025

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Featured Book - Front Cover

Patchwork: Conversations Between Generations

“Patchwork” represents the stories and lives of women living in rural Bamberg, South Carolina during a time period of approximately 1939-1959. These God centered women created an atmosphere that allowed the participants to help their families. Quilting was their point of focus; however this activity provided an opportunity to share their challenging stories.
Patchwork encourages us to find a way to bridge the gap between generations. Both groups the youth and the elder must be open to a tow-way conversation. Being the elder does mean you have a monopoly on teaching, the youth also have something to say. “Patchwork” says we should have the conversation.

“Patchwork” represents the stories and lives of women living in rural Bamberg, South Carolina during a time period of approximately 1939-1959. These God centered women created an atmosphere that allowed the participants to help their families. Quilting was their point of focus; however this activity provided an opportunity to share their challenging stories.
Patchwork encourages us to find a way to bridge the gap between generations. Both groups the youth and the elder must be open to a tow-way conversation. Being the elder does mean you have a monopoly on teaching, the youth also have something to say. “Patchwork” says we should have the conversation.

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Patchwork: Conversations Between Generations

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